• 12510 370th Avenue
  • Wetonka, SD 57481
Where  Muscle  Still Matters!


The Working Moms!
Behind every great bull, there's a great cow.

Working behind the scenes at Treftz Limousin are the working moms. Their everyday job is simple, yet demanding. Bring home a big calf every fall, be bred to calve early the next spring, and maintain optimum condition doing all this on grass alone.

Uniformity. Treftz Limousin cows are broody, thick, fertile females with an abundance of milk and a nice calm disposition.

Predictability. We are proud that every Limousin female in the Treftz herd carries the TREF prefix in her left ear. The TZ brand on her right hip signifies our stamp of quality.

Study the strong cow families that graze the pastures at the ranch.


TREF heiferS >

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